It is a nickname for me given by my best friend.
Sounds very sophisticated, doesn’t it?
I feel like a mademoiselle with that name.
What's in a name?
Actually a name is not just a name.

In all parts of the world, the parents will usually name their children with a name of famous person, with a good name which has a good meaning or at least contain a good connotation.
For example:
Boys Name: Ethan, (origin: Hebrew), meaning: "firm" or "strong".
Girls Name: Mia, (origin: German), meaning: taken from the name “Amelia”: “Work of the Lord”.
A name: Joyce, chosen because the parents want her to be a joyful person along her life and brings cheerfulness to others.
In Java – Indonesia, the name of a child who often gets sick, will be changed:
* "Waras" (meaning: health, recover from sickness). Thus, usually the name seems to have the power of healing. The child gets well soon after getting the new name.
* “Slamet” (meaning: save), “Sugiharto” (meaning: lots of treasure), and many meaningful names are familiar for Javanese people.
A name is like a brand for goods. It represents the quality.
However, sometimes a name doesn’t match with the personality.
In real life, there are names that surprise us
because they don't seem to suit the person at all
Krzysztof Kieslowski
In Philippine, there are so many men named “Jesus”, but they do not represent the character of Jesus which is full of love and kind, as stated in the Bible. Some are criminals, drunkards, robbers.
We must have self-respect with our names.
Once we ruin our names, nobody will ever trust us.
Our names are labels,
plainly printed on the bottled essence of our past behavior
Logan Pearsall Smith
Our name is very important to us and we can often hear our name being mentioned even in a crowded room of people talking.
ReplyDeleteThere is no evidence in the Bible to suggest that Jesus refused to use his Father's name when teaching his followers about his Father as well as to distinguish his Father from the many other god's or that he instructed his followers not to ever prounounce his Father's name out of respect for him. In fact -
"Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you; but I have come to know you, and these have come to know that you sent me forth. And I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them." - John 17:26
The Tetragrammaton (God's name) which first occurs in Genesis 2:4 and is commonly rendered 'Jehovah' in most English-speaking countries (or 'Yahweh' by Hebrew scholars), occurs 6825 times in the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament). And yet Wikipedia states -
'On August 8, 2008, Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli, chairman of the American bishops' "Committee on Divine Worship", announced a new directive from the Vatican regarding the use of the name of God in the sacred liturgy. "Specifically, the word 'Yahweh' may no longer be 'used or pronounced' in songs and prayers during liturgical celebrations." In fact, for most of the Church's 2,000-year history use of the name was prohibited in public worship, out of respect for God. After Second Vatican Council (1962–65), some songs and hymns had begun to use the Tetragrammaton, which caused the Vatican to issue a clarification that the Divine Name was not to be used.'
It is believed that a superstition amongst 1st-century Jews was the first suppression of the use of God's divine name. There is no evidence in the Bible either that God ever objected to the serious and respectful use of his name by his worshippers, in prayers for example, and it appears that it could likely only serve Satan's goals to have people ignorant of God's name.
The idea that I should call you 'Miss' instead of 'Cherie' out of respect for your name is misplaced, I am sure you would agree.
I am sure you would much prefer people know you by your name 'Cherie' and not just a title instead.
Altogether, a very interesting and thought-provoking post. Thank you!
Thank you Alexandre. Your comment gives me a wider knowledge about the use of Divine Name in the history.